I mean, of course my room is a mess! Just to go out for dinner last night, I pulled out all the clothes in my wardrobe that I thought would look good and slimming and actually fit over my watermelon I have going on. It seemed to be a cycle of put on, rip off, throw on floor, chuck a hissy fit and go to the next item. I have come to realise that the bottom (skirt, pant or short) must be the stretchiest fabric possible to prevent me from cutting off all circulation to my legs, any top needs to be long enough to cover my juicy bum situation (each pregnancy, my bum seems to feel sorry for my stomach and grow to the same size! to balance me out?) and any dress needs to be super fitted or semi fitted so I don’t look as chunky as what I think I look like. Saying all this, I just spend a good hour or two trolling online stores for cool maternity fashion for myself and for you, as I am sure if you are a preggo too, you are floating in this same boat. PS my mission for black waxed jeans is complete (see in the edit below) now, just to find some maternity leather shorts.