Recently, I was in a conversation with someone about dressing my boys. The question was: “Did you ever think you would have fun dressing your boys up?”. I actually didn’t realise that my feelings about not having a girl had completely vanished as soon as my second son Will was born. Let me rewind for a second for the new folk to my blog. During my second pregnancy, I found out the sex of my baby and I was very honest to admit I had ‘gender disappointment’ it was something I never knew about because I always assumed that I would have a daughter. When I found out I was having a second son, I had to deal with my emotions and think about the concept that I may not ever have a little girl (see blog post here). It took me some time to work through it, cry at the site of a cute tutu in a children’s boutique and forget about the lilac and gold nursery concept I was planning since the pee-on-a-stick. It wasn’t until later in pregnancy and remembering how lucky I was to have a perfectly healthy child growing in my belly, that I accepted it and put those sad feelings to rest and began to love this special time in my life. As soon as little Will was born, I was smitten with him.

Fast forward to today, I find so much pleasure in styling up my boys and making them look like little dudes, it comes naturally. As a mum or woman in general, you imagine dressing your little girl like a mini-me or a chic fashionista, but we never think like this for boys, when, in fact, if you think about it for girls then of course you will spunk up a little man. There are so many well dressed little girls out there, the well dressed fashionisto might just out shine that fashionista.